Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing subject for those who experience it. The stigma behind the disorder often leads to patients having either a lack of information or believing in some common myths about incontinence. The following are some incontinence myths and the facts to go with them:
Myth: Urinary incontinence is inevitable with age.
Truth: While aging does increase the risk for incontinence, many elderly individuals maintain normal bladder control, so it should not be considered a normal or inevitable part of the aging process.
Myth: Urinary incontinence cannot be treated in older adults.
Truth: This is not the case in most instances. There are ways that incontinence can be treated successfully.
Myth: Drinking as little water as possible will improve incontinence.
Truth: Often older adults limit their fluid intake in the mistaken belief that drinking less will lessen the severity of their incontinence. However, limiting fluids leads to more concentrated urine which irritates the bladder and makes the problem worse. Drinking adequate fluids helps to maintain a normal bladder capacity and function.
Myth: Urinary incontinence is rarely a problem for men.
Truth: Men are less likely to discuss the issue with family members or doctors, and so are less likely to be diagnosed with urinary incontinence. However, according to NAFC estimates, about 20% to 25% of Americans with incontinence are men.
For more helpful resources and information on incontinence, click here.
If your loved one is suffering from incontinence, be sure he or she receives a proper diagnosis from his or her doctor to rule out any underlying issues. The caregivers at Live Free Home Health Care can help your loved one manage the symptoms of incontinence in a compassionate and discreet way. Contact us at 603-217-0149 for more information about how our in-home care services can help.