Web Resources:

Click the links below to access resource Web sites to find out more about care for osteoarthritis.

Arthritis Exercise Videos

The Arthritis Foundation provides expert-approved step-by-step photo and video demonstrations for exercises that are designed to be safe and effective for people with arthritis.

Ease-of-Use Products

The Arthritis Foundation created a program to encourage manufacturers to design with “Ease-of-Use” in mind for those who suffer from arthritis. View products that carry the Arthritis Foundation Ease-of-Use Commendation Logo in this downloadable PDF.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: 10 Tips for the Caregiver

EverydayHealth.com offers useful information to help caregivers learn how to deal with the emotional toll of rheumatoid arthritis.

Fighting Arthritis Pain with Food

This article, written by the Today Show’s nutritionist, notes how nutrition can fight the inflammation associated with several types of arthritis. The article lists important nutrients that reduce inflammation and several foods that contain those nutrients.


Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases

This fact sheet offers a detailed overview of symptoms, treatments, medications and other information specific to arthritic conditions, courtesy of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. A PDF version is also available.

Arthritis: Keeping Your Joints Healthy

AARP provides this in-depth health guide which overviews various types of arthritis, symptoms, treatment options and more. They also offer other helpful resources.

Pros and Cons of Joint Replacement for Arthritis Relief

Everyday Health provides information on when to consider joint replacement for arthritis relief as well as the benefits and possible risks and complications.

Animations of Various Joint Replacement Surgeries

The Arthritis Foundation presents several informative animations showing exactly what is entailed with specific joint replacement surgeries. You can play the videos with or without narration.

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