Sometimes an extended visit over the holidays reveals suspicions that a little caregiving assistance in the home is necessary for frail, older loved ones. However, a senior fearing a loss of independence may also try to disguise care needs, so it is important to know the signs to watch out for. Live Free Home Health Care understands these fears and knows how to gently introduce and transition seniors to in-home care in the Concord, New Hampshire area.
Contact Live Free Home Health Care to learn if your clients or loved ones could be a good fit for our specialized in-home care services. You may also like to review the resources below for tips on recognizing warning signs while also spending quality time with frail loved ones over the holidays.
Web Resources:
Click the links below to access resource websites to learn more about recognizing warning signs over the holidays that care is needed.
Safety and Wellbeing Checklist for Occasional Visits
This site provides a simple yet thorough list of things to watch for when visiting elderly relatives. The answers will help determine whether additional care assistance at home might be needed.
Survey to Determine Changes in a Senior’s Abilities
Use the questions on this site as a guide to determine if there have been any significant changes in an elderly person’s abilities and environment since your last visit.
Thoughtful Gifts for Seniors with Care Needs
The best gifts often involve spending time with loved ones. This site offers some excellent gift ideas for a senior that could use some help and extra attention at home.
Tips to Introduce Additional Care Assistance
If it is determined that additional care at home is required, sometimes it is difficult to introduce the concept of additional care. Transitioning to a different care situation requires understanding, patience and encouragement. The Mayo Clinic offers tips to encourage cooperation.