Family caregivers, we tip our hats to you! We understand what a selfless lifestyle you’ve taken on to provide ongoing care for your older loved one at home, and the tremendous advantages he or she is experiencing with the chance to age in place where it’s preferred. But we also know how challenging it can be sometimes, and how necessary it is to ensure that you’re not only taking good care of your senior loved one – but of yourself, too.
Very often, family members feel that they’re the only ones who can provide the best care for a senior loved one. Naturally, they know the individual better than anybody else, the intricacies of his or her personality, likes, dislikes, and preferences. The notion of entrusting the older adult’s care to anybody else can invoke a wide array of feelings: guilt, trust, uncertainty, uneasiness, just to name several.
At Live Free Home Health Care, we understand that emotions can run high when handling care needs for an older adult, and in deciding whether to permit another person to share in those care needs. Additionally, we know how necessary it is for those providing care to establish a reliable network of support, setting aside frequent, ongoing time for self-care. There is a reason flight attendants tell us to first put our own oxygen mask on before helping another person – the better care we take of ourselves, the better qualified we are to care for another person.
That’s why we provide trustworthy, professional respite care for family caregivers, customized to each family’s specific requirements. In some instances, the family’s primary caregiver has a need for just a few of hours weekly to pick up groceries and run other errands, to attend to personal medical appointments, or to relax over lunch with a friend or enjoy a little quiet time to sit outside with a good book. Others, specifically individuals caring for specialized needs such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, may benefit more from daily respite, especially during the evening hours if sundowning or other sleeping concerns come into play.
Live Free Home Health Care of New Hampshire works together with family members – never “taking charge,” but providing a seamless level of high quality care by adhering to what works best to ensure that older adults remain secure, comfortable, and healthy. We take note of each family’s particular needs, create a care plan to address those needs, and modify ongoing as requirements change.
If you would like to discover ways to enhance quality of life for your senior loved one by allowing much-needed time to take care of yourself, call Live Free Home Health Care at 603-217-0149 for a complimentary in-home assessment.