Senior woman with mountain of pill bottles

A day in the life of a typical senior may look something like this:

  • Wake up from a restless night’s sleep (perhaps from medication side effects)
  • Take morning meds – one with food, one with a full glass of water, and another on an empty stomach!
  • Run to the lab for blood work before a 10 a.m. medical appointment
  • Stop at the pharmacy for prescription refills
  • Schedule additional lab work and tests for the following week
  • Schedule follow-up appointment with doctor to go over follow-up lab work…

You get the picture! Seniors’ lives are often inundated with all things medical in an effort to maintain optimal health and address the concerns of aging.

Many feel however, that our focus as a society has been far too often on medical interventions, and far too infrequently on the type of care needed to improve quality of life. With as many as 12 million Americans requiring assistance with activities of daily living, one of Live Free Home Health Care’s goals as advocates for older adults in New Hampshire is to help educate those in the medical realm on the benefits professional home care can provide.

According to Howard Gleckman, contributing writer for, “Rather than doing that third scan on the same body part, we could better spend our dollars on home delivered meals or an adult day program for an otherwise homebound senior.”

Better communications between doctors, seniors and their families is essential to ensure that quality of life is not being sacrificed in favor of aggressive medical procedures, but instead, that appropriate care is provided according to the patient’s wishes and goals. Read more of Gleckman’s perspective on seniors and medical treatment, and call on the professional home care experts at Live Free Home Health Care to learn more about how our central New Hampshire in-home care services are helping seniors live life to the fullest each and every day!